Our First Five Years (2019-2024) in numbers:
EFF Event Archive
9 October 2024 | 16h30 - 18h00
Navigating Polarised Narratives:
Understanding Regional Food Systems in the EU
11 December 2024 | 18h00 - 20h00
European Food Forum Fifth Anniversary Reception
#LetsTalkAboutFood #EUFoodDialogue
4 September 2024 | 12h00 - 13h00
Fireside chat with Donald A. Prater, Acting Director of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Hosting MEPs: MEP Pietro Fiocchi, MEP Stefan Köhler
17 October 2023 | 15h30 - 16h30
Fireside chat on sustainable food systems and the strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture in the EU with Janusz Wojciechowski Commissioner for Agriculture
Hosting MEP: Irene Tolleret
26 September 2023 | 10h30 - 12h00
"Fireside chat on sustainable food systems with Robert Bonnie USDA Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation"
Hosting MEP: Irene Tolleret
5 July 2023
Coop Alleanza 3.0 General Assembly Round Table:
Climate Change, Evolution of food production, food of the future
Panel with Giulio Boccaletti, researcher and science popularizer and Luisella Ciani, Director General of the European Food Forum
24 May 2023
Global Conference on Sustainability in Agriculture&Food Systems - Innovation, Indicators and Implementation
Organized by Re-Imagine Europa in partnership with the EFF. Sponsored by OECD Co-operative Research Programme.
20 March 2023 | 17h00 - 18h30
Feeding citizens and fostering sustainable agriculture: A discussion on climate resilient food systems
Hosting MEP: Marlene Mortler
7 February 2023 | 08h45 - 10h45
The Revision of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive: Challenges and Opportunities
Hosting MEP: Marlene Mortler
13 October 2022 | 11h00 - 13h00
Implementing the EU legislation on deforestation:
the way forward
Hosting MEPs: MEP Pietro Fiocchi, MEP Christine Schneider, MEP Irene Tolleret
24 June 2022 | 10h00 - 12h00
Mirror measures: Applying EU sustainability standards to imported agri-food products
Hosting MEP: Irene Tolleret
11 May 2022 | 11h00 - 13h00
Consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, from the supply and demand sides at European and international level
Hosting MEPs: MEP Róża Thun, MEP Asim Ademov,
MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Franc Bogovič, MEP Salvatore de Meo, MEP Alessandra Moretti, MEP Marlene Mortler,
MEP Christine Schneider, MEP Michaela Šojdrová
11 April 2022 | 11h15- 13h30 | Vinitaly Verona
Striking the right balance:
promotion and education in the food sector
Hosting MEPs: EP VP Pina Picierno, MEP Irene Tolleret,
MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Marco Dreosto, MEP Pietro Fiocchi, MEP Alessandra Moretti, MEP Christine Schneider
18 May 2022 | 09h30 - 12h30
The Journey Toward Harmonized Front of Pack Labelling and Its Impact on Sustainable Food Labelling
Hosting MEPs: MEP Clara Aguilera, MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Biljana Boraan, MEP Pietro Fiocchi, MEP Petros Kokkalis, MEP Alessandra Moretti, MEP Michaela Šojdrová, MEP Irene Tolleret, MEP Adrián Vázquez Lázara
7 February 2022 | 08h45 - 10h45
The Revision of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive: Challenges and Opportunities
Hosting MEPs: MEP Clara Aguilera, MEP Franc Bogovič,
MEP Christine Schneider, MEP Michaela Šojdrová,
MEP Irene Tolleret
26 January 2022 | 16h00 - 18h00
EU Farm to Fork Fireside chat on 2022 actions
Hosting MEPs: MEP Franc Bogovič, MEP Alessandra Moretti, MEP Marlene Mortler, MEP Christine Schneider,
MEP Michaela Šojdrová, MEP Irene Tolleret
27 October 2021 | 11h00 - 13h00
From Food to Packaging: Sustainable Packaging for the Safety and Quality of Food
Hosting MEPs: MEP Franc Bogovič, MEP Christine Schneider,
MEP Irene Tolleret
8 December 2021 | 10h00 - 12h00
The Role of Special Nutrition and Ingredient in a Healthy Diet and Consumer Needs
Hosting MEPs: MEP Petros Kokkalis, MEP Alessandra Moretti,
MEP Marlene Mortler
13 October 2021 | 14h00 - 16h00
Animal Health Traceability, Transparency, and Labelling: From a Political Blueprint to a Working Concept
Hosting MEPs: MEP Asim Ademov, MEP Franc Bogovič, MEP Christine Schneider, MEP Michaela Šojdrová, MEP Róża Thun
7 September 2021 | 13h00 - 15h00
What can Smart Villages do for the Food Industry, Bio-Economy, and to Promote Rural Tourism?
Hosting MEPs: MEP Franc Bogovič, MEP Marlene Mortler, MEP Irene Tolleret
15 July 2021 | 14h00 - 16h00
Innovation in the Agri-Food Chain to Improve the Sustainability of the EU Food System
Hosting MEPs: MEP Asim Ademov, MEP Clara Aguilera,
MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Christine Schneider, MEP Irene Tolleret
9 July 2021 | 11h00 - 13h00
Consumer Empowerment in Focus of F2F: Nutritional Behavior and Nutrition Education for Healthy and Sustainable Diets
Hosting MEPs: MEP Alessandra Moretti, MEP Petros Kokkalis, MEP Christine Schneider
17 June 2021 | 14h00 - 16h00
Navigating the Development of the Code of Conduct, Flagship for the EU Farm to Fork Strategy
Hosting MEPs: MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Franc Bogovič, MEP Salvatore De Meo, MEP Michaela Šojdrová
28 May 2021 | 10h30 - 13h00
Environmental Labelling: A Key to Unlock/Enhance Consumer Environmental Consciousness
Hosting MEPs: MEP Franc Franc Bogovič, MEP Marlene Mortler, MEP Irene Tolleret
22 April 2021 | 14h30 - 17h00
Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in the EU:
Transparency and Accountability
Hosting MEPs: MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Petros Kokkalis,
MEP Irene Tolleret
8 April 2021 | 10h30 - 13h00
The Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies:
Is Organic Farming One of the Responses?
Hosting MEPs: MEP Petros Kokkalis, MEP Norbert Lins,
MEP Simone Schmiedtbauer, MEP Christine Schneider,
MEP Irene Tolleret
2 March 2021 | 14h00 - 16h00
Mandatory Indication of Origin:
Challenges, Opportunities, and Myths
Hosting MEPs: MEP Clara Aguilera, MEP Brando Benifei,
MEP Biljana Borzan, MEP Alessandra Moretti,
MEP Simone Schmiedtbauer, MEP Christine Schneider
14 January 2021 | 10h00 - 12h00
EU Farm to Fork Fireside Chat on 2021 Actions
Hosting MEPs: MEP Franc Bogovič, MEP Isabel Carvalhais,
MEP Alessandra Moretti, MEP Marlene Mortler,
MEP Christine Schneider, MEP Irene Tolleret
3 December 2020 | 10h00 - 13h00
Nutrition Labelling - The Way Forward!
Hosting MEPs: MEP Clara Aguilera, MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Alessandra Moretti, MEP Michèle Rivasi,
MEP Christine Schneider
9 December 2020 | 10h00 - 12h30
European Research and Innovation for the Agri-Food Sector Beyond 2020
Hosting MEPs: MEP Asim Ademov, MEP Franc Bogovič,
MEP Petros Kokkalis, MEP Irene Tolleret
9 November 2020 | 11h00 - 13h00
Dual Food Quality: How we can solve the problem together!
Hosting MEPs: MEP Asim Ademov, MEP Christina Maestre,
MEP Róża Thun
14 October 2020 | 10h00 - 12h00
Food Reformulation and Marketing to Kids
Hosting MEPs: MEP Christina Maestre, MEP Róża Thun
30 September 2020 | 11h00 - 13h00
Food Packaging and Plastics: How to Achieve Circularity and Reduce Environmental Impacts
Hosting MEPs: MEP Marlene Mortler, MEP Róża Thun,
MEP Irene Tolleret
9 September 2020 | 15h00 - 17h00
European Food Safety Standards and Pesticides:
Hosting MEPs: MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Michèle Rivasi,
MEP Nicolae Ștefănuță, MEP Irene Tolleret
23 June 2020 | 11h00 - 13h00
European Food Safety Standards and Pesticides
Hosting MEPs: MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Michèle Rivasi,
MEP Nicolae Ștefănuță, MEP Irene Tolleret